How does medical reimbursement work? This blog answers that question while also providing some handy ways to save on healthcare spend.
Weighing the pros and cons of reference-based pricing reveals easily mitigated potential pitfalls and benefits that overpower any shortcomings.
An increasing number of today’s employers are turning to reference-based pricing to save on their healthcare spend. The model has gained popularity at a rapid pace, with 60% of employers planning to use the model within the next 3-5 years. Because this model uses Medicare as a benchmark for coverage costs, members can not only […]
When looking for alternative healthcare coverage models, many employers turn to reference-based pricing and value-based pricing. Learn the difference.
A reference-based pricing model is a data-driven approach to healthcare coverage that acts as a cost-containment method. Read on to learn more benefits.
The volatility of today’s economy makes saving on internal expenses just as important to a company’s financial strategy as increasing revenue. In fact, by maximizing internal savings businesses could see an increase in their bottom lines without additional sales efforts. As one of the top sources of corporate spending, it’s time to take a serious […]
Every self-funded employer should consider how Reference-based Pricing (RBP) will affect their health plan. In addition to reducing the medical claims payments on behalf of members, reference-based pricing can have an impact on the risk assessment and pricing of stop-loss underwriters. A well-chosen stop-loss carrier is vital for the Self-Funded Planning team since it can be more […]
The No Surprises Act requires health plans to notify eligible members when a provider or facility is terminated from the network due to contract expiration or non-renewal. This notice informs the plan members of their right, as a “continuing care patient,” to elect to continue the course of treatment for a period of time from […]